Many organizations have moved to the position of maximum safety since the beginning of the pandemic, leaving most if not all reserves in cash, money markets, or short-term CDs. However, as budgets are returning to pre-pandemic levels, high inflation is driving these costs even higher, while reserve savings decisions have not caught up, effectively losing purchasing power for the organization each year this is not addressed. In this presentation, learn some tangible next steps you can take within your organization to evaluate where things stand today, what improvements you can make to simplify your reserve decision making process, and how to future proof your reserves from the eroding impacts of inflation.
Speaker: Marc C. Labadie, MPAS®, CFP®, AIF®, Executive Vice President, RTD Financial
Marc Labadie is the Executive Vice President at RTD Financial. In addition to overseeing RTD’s business lines and strategic initiatives, he works directly with the firm’s entity clients. Marc specializes in working with industry focused regional, national, and international member, trade, or other nonprofit organizations and/or foundations. In this capacity, he brings his formal training and experience in serving as a fiduciary to advise and educate clients placed in this important, and often unfamiliar role.
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