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  • ATTENDEE REGISTRATION: 2021 Annual Meeting & Exhibition

ATTENDEE REGISTRATION: 2021 Annual Meeting & Exhibition

  • Thursday, December 09, 2021
  • 9:30 AM
  • Friday, December 10, 2021
  • 4:00 PM
  • Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, 1000 Boardwalk, Atlantic City, NJ 08401


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:

Registration is closed

The Mid-Atlantic Society for Association Executives' Annual Meeting will be held December 9-10, 2021 at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Atlantic City. This year’s theme is “Onward, Upward, Sideways.”  

Safety is top of mind of the MASAE Board of Directors and conference planning committee, and we are monitoring the COVID-19 situation closely. We are partnering with the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino to implement safety-protocols and will follow state and local guidelines set for in-person gatherings, as well as recommendations provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization. Please click here to read more about the Hard Rock's Safe and Sound ProgramPlease click here to read the MASAE COVID-19 waiver.

Hotel Information:  The Hard Rock Hotel & Casino is offering a room rate of $69 per night.  Please click here to make your reservations through the Hard Rock Atlantic City website.  Attendees are welcome to extend their stay at the hotel for Friday night at a rate of $159/night.  The deadline for hotel reservations is Tuesday, November 23.


As a CAE Approved Provider educational program related to the CAE exam content outline, this program may be applied for 7 credits toward your CAE application or renewal professional development requirements.


"Culture of Engagement:
Why/How to Build A Passionate, Engaged Membership"
presented by Joshua M. Evans

Every member of your organization joined from an engaged, passionate place. During their first event they were excited and intrigued. However, with such demanding roles in their workplaces, it’s understandable that their association membership would take a back seat. It can be easy for them to rationalize skipping networking events or educational sessions because of the demands of their daily life. How can we re-engage and impassion our members?

In this session you will learn practical tools to positively impact your members by reigniting their passion and re-engage their commitment. You will walk away with techniques to help them look beyond what your organization ‘is’ and what your organization ‘does’ to reveal what your professional organization truly MEANS to them and their professional success. 

"Learning with the Future: Continued Commitment to Foresight – (Anticipatory Learning)"
presented by Sue Pine

The aftermath of pandemic has association leaders much more aware of the impact of external forces to their members and association. While futures-thinking and the practice of foresight may not have been incorporated into association discussions in the past, volunteer leaders are now more open to exploring current trends that may drive change in their organization.

Join this interactive session to easily understand more about this leadership competency and how you might be able to integrate the foresight discussion into your association.

"Preparing for the New Post-COVID Reality: How to Stay Relevant and Position Yourself for Success"
presented by Michael J. Lyons

In this candid and interactive presentation, speaker Michael Lyons will present what we need to do as we emerge from the devastating impact that COVID-19 has had on our daily routines and the future of our careers. The pandemic has been a jolt that has forced us to make changes in our lives and jobs that we never anticipated. How we regroup, manage those changes, and position ourselves for the future, will shape our ability to succeed in a post-Coronavirus world. Now, more than ever, being hopeful and optimistic, working together, and shaking off fear and uncertainty will be the pillars we must rely on as we start 2022.

As previous crises have taught us, focusing on the fundamentals will help us recalibrate and get us back on the right track. During this talk, Lyons will emphasize the need to master multiple competencies and soft skills, while stressing the importance of polishing your personal brand. Regardless of your current skill set, level of experience, title, or responsibilities, the ongoing expansion of your career tool kit, particularly in this new environment, must continue daily as you seek positions of increased responsibility, or enter into a new role caused by the downturn in the economy, or other unexpected factors that may have shifted your career path.


This year the conference will feature three distinct tracks, meant to engage everyone within the association management structure. Those tracks are:


  • "Facilitation: The Essential Association Expertise"
  • "Top Legal Issues for Trade Associations"
  • "From the Ground Up – Implementing a DE&I Program Within Your Organization"
  • "We Recognize the Value and Importance of DEI in Our Association! Now What?"


  • "Using Your CVB as a Free Resource"
  • "Behind the Scenes: Telling Your Association’s Story with Video"
  • "Keeping Volunteers on a Positive and Productive Path"
  • "Beyond the Webinar: Webinars as a Catalyst for Chapter Member Engagement Opportunities"


  • "Maximizing Revenue For the Hybrid Event Future"
  • "Association Meetings, What's Next?"
  • "Don’t Overlook the Obvious: Safety & Site Selection"
  • "The Buck Doesn't Stop Here: Bridging the Gap Between Planning and Approval"

CEO Dinner Discussion
"How Will Tomorrow’s Board Member Be Different?"
presented by Brian Riggs
Wednesday, December 8, 2021 - 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.

The catalysts of the 2020 / 2021 era have introduced a new era for associations and the cultures that sustain them. Sustained behavioral change as a result of COVID, Civil Unrest, the Great Resignation, along with a welcome focus on D,E and I, have created seismic shifts in individual and organizational values - and these shifts will have a lasting impact on our organizations.

During this discussion we will explore how a fundamental shift in values will transform the way our volunteer leaders interact with our association - shepherding in new cultural elements certain to redesign our governance structures.

Note: This session is for professional members only (not associate members). Ad additional fee of $150 will apply for this optional session. The dinner is limited to the first 25 people who register. 

Mid-Atlantic Society of Association Executives
P.O. Box 518
Mount Laurel, NJ 08054

Phone: 267-597-3818
Fax: 856-727-9504

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